European coal fell for a third day in London, on course for the first weekly decline in three weeks. Coal for delivery to Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Antwerp with settlement next year slid 85 cents, or 0.7 percent, to $128.35 a metric ton by 10:13 a.m. London time. A close at that price would be a 1.6 percent drop for the week. Profit from running coal-fired power plants for the next month, the so-called clean-dark spread, is about 5.99 euros ($8.51) a megawatt-hour, compared with 2.60 euros from burning natural gas, Bloomberg data showed. The calculation uses electricity prices in Germany, Europe’s biggest energy consumer, and takes emission costs into account. December carbon-dioxide permits under the European Union cap-and-trade system were 1.1 percent lower at 15.93 euros a ton. Gas for delivery in the six months through September 2012 to the U.K., Europe’s biggest consumer of the fuel, declined 2 percent to 66.1 pence ($1.07) a therm in London.
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